You know you have been playing too much WoW when...........
- You reach late for college and blame it on lag.
- If your wearing low waist and your friends see things they are not supposed to, you convince them that it was a "Graphical glitch".
- You still deal in Gold, Silver and Copper.
- If someone else takes your belongings you start yelling "Don't pick my drops".
- Your best (and worst) pick up line becomes "Can I inspect you, without your items on ?"
- When picking a dish in a restaurant you ask the waiter if you will be "well fed".
- Any task given to you is a quest and must reward some experience points.
- You created an auto macro to sleep at night.
- When in a party, instead of asking people their name you ask their DPS.
- You point your finger everywhere just wishing it would turn into a "Mechanical Gear".
- You start attacking stray dogs just to increase your skill in unarmed.
- When going to a far away place, you ask your friends if the place a flight location there.
- Lastly, you enjoyed reading this.