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Thursday, June 05, 2008

How to save rainy day

Well since monsoon's already here in Mumbai and i know people forget to carry their rain gear , I thought why not a post some handy tips on how to save yourself from a drenched disaster.

The Spin-a-roo = Well this trick is theoretically possible. You spin on your toes at about a speed of 1000rpms or higher and the water automatically repels away.Do not forget to wear your dancing shoes !

Anti-Aids combo = Well this works like a 2 in 1. You get saved from the rain as well as educate people around you. Did you know extra large condoms can really be stretched?

Beat with Heat = This is for all those eager scientists waiting to make a new discovery. If you can generate enough heat within your body then the rain drops will just evaporate when it hits ya. And guess what you get a free dry cleaned pair of clothes with it !

Taxi Trickster = This is one of my personal favorites. You catch a cab , run around near your house in circles and wait for the cab to break down due to floods which happens 99% of the time. Then blame it on the cabbie for not being able to reach home safely , a few bad words here and there and you should be good to go !

Crime time = Kiss an unknown girl in front of a police officer, get caught and enjoy a pleasant rainy evening in the cell. Ask for 'pakodas' , play some cards get out as soon as the rain disappears.

Graveyard shift = Hunt for a funeral near buy and jump into the coffin with the body. It might not be a feasible solution but hey, at least it works !

Haul the Mall = This might be your best chance to get to know prices for each and every brand in the mall. Its very useful ,tell me which girl doesn't like a guy who knows the best offers in every mall ?

The Simpleton = Be nice to oldies around you, go and give them a hand in carrying that umbrella. I'm serious !

Famously Infamous

You know i though about it, where do all these big huge industries get their brand name from ? What is their inspiration ? After months of research (yea you guess it thats why my post took so long) I found out that their inspiration lies in the most simplest of things. Here are a few examples.

Microsoft = Bill Gates had a crow (don't tell me you didn't know that) and everyone used to comment that his crow was *soft* to touch.And he was pretty happy about it.So he eventually named his company "MyCrowSoft".

Ubisoft = It so happens that apparently Ubisoft was getting thrashed by Microsoft's entry in the industry. The owner didn't care about Bill Gates crow, he simply make it clear to him.He said "YouBeSoft" which gave him strength to try harder.

AT&T = These guys were really the bomb of their crowd. They where known to be big. They took being a bomb very literally hence named their company "A T.N.T". Pretty explosive eh ?

Lehman Brothers = Well this company was meant to be for the lay people of the world.The office culture was so strong and bonding, just like the love of brothers.They just couldn't find a better option than "Layman Brothers". You still find it hard to find chicks in such a manly place.

Cisco = Well this company has a very dark Indian past hidden behind its name.I would just like to ask you what do you feel with someone asks you "Sis Ko........ ?".

Infosys = Well as we all know Infosys is known for all its computer geeks. They were simply "InForSys". Unlucky chaps I feel its more like they are really in for a surprise.

Thoughtworks = This company was and I guess still is over ambitious. They thought it works and hence named its mistake "ThoughtWorks".

Yahoo = The people of this company really had a bad bitching habit. Anything that happened with anybody else they would ask "Ya?Who?". They still asking , but no one answers.

J.P. Morgan = This guy really wanted profit , I seriously mean profit. J.P. just wanted "MoreGain". Hes publicly asking for more now.

Wipro = These guys are uber professionals man. They sing a daily anthem that has a "WePro ! WePro ! WeProooooooo !" as the chorus.

I sure there are more of these inspirational companies around, keep em coming in my comments section :)
Oh and its good to be back !