Todays Observations
- The term boner is given to something without bones, because I guess its as hard as a bone. All you dirty minds out there wont need to think much to know what that something is.
- I think people with birthdays on the 29th Feb should live 4 times longer than others. Oh yea and our treat also should be multiplied by 4. Come on ! We've waited 4 years for it , we deserve it !
- If you ever feel the need to release gas on stage, make sure there is no microphone around, cause technology these days is just pushing the limit, watch out for the bass.
lol.......damn good.....i understood wat boner is....and yes ur blog is ur preciousssssss.....just make sure u dont become gollum:P
I totally agree with you. Why do we always compare ourselves to others. We have in our life what we are supposed to and we always think ... "The grass is greener on the other side" but actually, we have all we
need right here. So what if we're not good at everything, we're not meant to be! We're not robots.
We're just a single thread in the pattern of the great design and our role, however small it may be, is essential.
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